The UpstreamLife
The UpStream Life offers an editorial approach to content creation that focuses on capturing the intellectual foundations of an organization.
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The UpstreamLife
Data matters with Tracxn: life after the IPO, ideas & thoughts of its co-founder Neha Singh
In this interview we bring you a company that is well known in the Indian startup ecosystem. We are talking to Tracxn, a company whose novel way of collecting data has brought it a lot of respect. We speak to its co-founder Neha Singh.
00:00 - Introduction to Tracxn.
03:05 - The first version of Tracxn was coded by Neha.
06:47 - Early lessons in the USA when Tracxn was launched a decade ago.
13:45 - Winning early customers.
19:22 - Sales cycles in India vis-a-vis the world.
26:18 - USA being a deeper market for Corporate.
34:18 - Sitting in earning calls after the IPO and the questions on tech.
44:06 - Being organised as an entrepreneur.
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