The UpstreamLife
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The UpstreamLife
Making you believe: how Zveta is working with certified "traditional" experts in treating arthritis
In this episode of theUpStreamLife.com you will discover Indian tradition or "traditional" certified methods of treating musculoskeletal conditions and the impact of nutrition in making one return to form. It's all about the diet and lifestyle.
I speak with an experienced nutritionist, Arti Balse, and an experienced medical doctor, Deepa, from the Ayurveda tradition who together at Zveta (https://zveta.health) , a startup that wants to make Indians live pain free, enlighten us about managing three types of arthritic conditions without being subject to heavy medication. They talk about how the startup Zveta is making patients take control of their lives.
Zveta aims to improve quality of life with comprehensive and and reliable treatment at the convenience of home.
00:00 - Introduction to Zveta
03:00 - What is a musculoskeletal condition?
04:00 - Types of arthritis, contributing factors to arthritis and more.
06:35 - Treatments at Zveta.
09:00 - Treating arthritis with diet.
17:40 - Treating spondylosis with Zveta’s experts.
29:30 - Treating osteoporosis with Zveta’s experts.
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