The UpstreamLife

Store your gold with zero worries with Aurm's new age lockers built for gated-communities

Vishal Krishna

In this episode we talk to Vijay Arisetty, the founder of Aurm, who went from being in the Airforce to becoming the co-founder of MyGate. Aurm is a special project with a special purpose because a majority of urban Indians are living in a gated community and these communities don't have access to safe-deposit lockers. Aurm is a new age safe deposit company and Vijay explains to us about the market size for this business. There is also a lot of technology behind it. Enjoy this episode.

00:00 - Introduction to Aurm
04:20 - Gated communities need lockers.
09:58 - Bank's cannot scale lockers.
14:55 - Why Aurm works for the customer?
19:30 - Aurm's security protocols to protect customer assets.
26:00 - Behaviour of people in gated-communities in storing gold/jewellery.
33:31 - Aurm's pricing and its users.
38:42 - Insuring lockers - a different way to look at the service.
43:00 - The market opportunity and the team.
43:40 - Transforming oneself to becoming a better entrepreneur.

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